
Envy is a common emotion experienced by people when they lack another's superior quality, achievement, or possession. It can be defined as a feeling of resentment or discontentment caused by someone else's possessions, success, or status. Aristotle once said that envy is the pain that arises from another's good fortune, stirred by "those who have what we ought to have."

Guzalia Davis

Envy is a common emotion experienced by people when they lack another's superior quality, achievement, or possession. It can be defined as a feeling of resentment or discontentment caused by someone else's possessions, success, or status. Aristotle once said that envy is the pain that arises from another's good fortune, stirred by "those who have what we ought to have."

Research suggests that envious people experience physical pain and bodily illness, as feelings of envy light up parts of the brain active in pain processing. In fact, the more envy a person feels, the more vigorously flared the pain nodes in the brain's dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and related areas. Additionally, researchers have found a neural pathway in the brains of envious people that connects envy and taking pleasure in other people's pain and misfortunes. This insight reveals a lot about the character of such people.

Envious people are often empty inside, incapable of creating or achieving anything, and they are parasites. They are always hungry for what others have, and whenever someone envies you, they energetically latch on to you like vampires, forming an energetic cord like a hose for the energy to flow. Since their own energy is of such a low frequency, they can only take in similar energies. As a result, they "suck" the worst parts of your life experiences, such as your illnesses and troubles. In Ancient Scriptures, it is said that one who envies you "eats" your bad karma. No surprise that envy is often described as bitterness, and envious people often suffer from digestive problems.

It is easy to spot envious people. They are unable to celebrate anyone's success, and your achievements and success physically hurt them. They will always try to find a way to diminish your achievements and make ironic comments. They may even say that it's not you who earned your good fortune, but someone else who helped you or that you just got lucky. The better you do, the worse they treat you. Additionally, they love to hear about your troubles, not because they care but because they experience physical pleasure in other people's pain and suffering. The neural network in their brain is wired this way.

Envious people always want what's yours. They comment on your dress or car or whatever and say things like "I want that too… where did you get that?" They ask to borrow your things but hate to return them. Moreover, envious people try to sabotage you, cause you losses, make you look bad, and destroy your reputation. They may do this in subtle or obvious ways.

Envious people are often people who know you well, such as family members, classmates, friends, or colleagues. They think that if you have the same background, live in the same place, have the same education, or share the same blood, you should be able to have or achieve the same things. If you do better than them, you automatically become the target of their envy.

It is crucial to stick with people who celebrate you and your successes. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who will help you achieve your goals. When envious people appear in your life, let them eat your "bad karma." Perhaps this is their karma. In conclusion, envy is an emotion that causes physical and mental pain to both the envious person and the one who is envied. Let us choose to focus on the positive things in our lives and celebrate others' successes.