Call: (717) 753 8845
Weight Management
My synergistic approach includes lifestyle modification, nutrition education, stress, and sleep management, healing your “inner child”, rebuilding your confidence, meditation, energy work, and spiritual practices.
Hypnosis works because it works on the level of feelings, patterns, and unconscious motivations. It's much better when we feel we want to eat healthily rather than just think that we should. Used well, hypnosis will help people naturally feel like making the right choices. This doesn't mean that someone who's had hypnotherapy for weight loss will never have to use their willpower, but it does mean they'll feel better able to use it.
The Weight Loss Program consists typically of four to eight sessions.
Each session is 1-hour long and scheduled one week apart.
Using hypnosis to maximize motivation to eat well.
Distinguishing between "fake food" (processed carbs, sugars, chemically altered stuff) and "real food".
Combating unwanted cravings and habits that don’t support a healthy weight.
Using disassociation by talking about the body having its own "needs" and the unconscious mind working with the body "regardless of the habits of the conscious mind" to eat healthily.
Healing the "inner child" within you to let out old negative emotions that may cause you to eat in an unhealthy way.
Lifestyle modification.
Nutrition education.
Stress and sleep management.
Rebuilding your confidence and self-esteem.
Creating a new powerful identity within you.
If you only need to address a single issue like cravings or sticking to your exercise routine, a single hypnosis session may be sufficient.
The first 1.5-hour appointment is $250. Each follow-up 1-hour appointment is $195.

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