Just ignore.... NOT!

One of the worst pieces of advice one could receive is to ignore.

Guzalia Davis

One of the worst pieces of advice one could receive is to ignore. This idea has been propagated in recent years, often under the guise of New Age toxic positivity, which encourages individuals to focus only on positive thoughts and emotions, while ignoring anything negative or unpleasant. While this may sound appealing at first, it is ultimately detrimental to one's mental, emotional, and even physical health.

The idea behind ignoring is that by not giving attention to negative thoughts, emotions, or situations, one can avoid attracting more negativity into their lives. However, this approach ignores the fact that problems and issues do not simply disappear when we choose to ignore them. If we have an abscess, ignoring it will not make it go away. In fact, ignoring it could make the problem worse and even life-threatening.

Guzalia Davis
Guzalia Davis

Guzalia Davis

Similarly, ignoring unfair treatment, manipulations, bullying, or abuse will not make these issues disappear. Ignoring them can lead to them persisting and becoming more severe over time. If you do not address the problem, it may keep reappearing, presenting itself in different forms until you learn to face it head-on.

When we choose to ignore problems, we are also choosing to ignore the lessons that come with them. Life presents us with challenges to help us grow and learn, and by ignoring these challenges, we are missing out on valuable opportunities for personal development.

Ignoring problems and challenges can also lead to willful ignorance. This is a dangerous position to be in, as it can prevent individuals from taking action when necessary. By choosing to remain ignorant, we are limiting ourselves and our ability to make informed decisions.

Instead of ignoring problems and challenges, it is important to face them head-on. By addressing issues as they arise, we can prevent them from becoming more significant problems in the future. We can also learn from these experiences, which will help us to grow and become more resilient individuals.

Ignoring problems and challenges is not an effective solution. It is important to pay attention to everything, even the things that may be unpleasant or uncomfortable. By facing our problems and challenges, we can learn valuable lessons and grow as individuals. So, let us stop ignoring and start facing our problems head-on, one challenge at a time.